Bea Schubert:
Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)
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Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)
Bea Schubert:
Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)

Quick info

Acrylic, Colour Spray, Coloured Pencil | Canvas, stretched on stretcher frame | Format 80 x 80 cm (H/W) | picture hang up | signed certificate of authenticity

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Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)
Bea Schubert: Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)

Detailed description

Picture "Be Free Be Wild Be You" (2024)

My abstract series "The show must go on" is inspired by Freddie Mercury's (Queen) song. The song came out a week before his death. He used "show" as a symbol for life, which we should enjoy and should be continued by those who are left behind. Mercury knew he was going to die. He fought to the end. This powerful work of art is a statement for life. It is painted on a white background. Framing is not required. The picture also has a varnish to protect it from UV light. 80x80x approx. 2 cm deep. Painted on the occasion of International Women's Day: "Be free be wild be you" A strong picture with an expressive message.

About Bea Schubert

The magic of being a child: Bea Schubert's colorful rebellion against the everyday My artistic expression is a passionate rebellion against the dreariness of everyday life, a manifesto for the joy and wonder of being a child.
In my works, I unfold a world where light-heartedness and imagination reign, where colors come alive and hope and courage take on a tangible form. My artwork encourages people to let go of their everyday worries and instead immerse themselves in a world where joy, creativity and light-heartedness reign. Bea Schubert, born in 1959, is an artist who has not only seen the world, but has absorbed it deeply. Her artistic journey began with her studies at the Braunschweig University of Art under the guidance of Professor Hermann Albert, where she learned the basics of painting. But the real turning point in her career came after her studies, when she decided to leave the conventional path and spend seven years exploring the world with nothing but a backpack.