Milena Radic:
Picture "Joy" (2023)
Proportional view
Picture "Joy" (2023)
Milena Radic:
Picture "Joy" (2023)

Quick info

Oil | Canvas, Canvas, stretched on stretcher frame | Format 40 x 30 cm (H/W) | picture hang up | signed certificate of authenticity

Picture "Joy" (2023)
Milena Radic: Picture "Joy" (2023)

Detailed description

Picture "Joy" (2023)

In this artwork, I have captured the essence of happiness and perseverance. Through the use of powerful, expressive brushstrokes, I have depicted the radiance and vibrant energy emanating from the subject's smile, along with the vibrant headscarf that represents her cultural heritage. This creation is a hymn to life, radiating optimism and strength, destined to add a wave of motivation and distinctive character to any space.

About Milena Radic

As a contemporary artist, I focus on capturing the complexity of human emotion and experience in my work.
My art reflects my belief in the essential role of artists in society - they enrich, awaken and remind people of our multi-layered nature. My portfolio is a diverse collection of paintings and drawings, each with its own unique narrative and thought-provoking elements.