Anett Münnich
My artistic focus is on the observation of the relationship between man and nature.
I observe my environment and analyze the effects of civilizational interventions and climatic changes. Growing up in a forester's home, the effort to preserve nature is very close and important to me and therefore also the subject of my artistic work. In different ways, I visualize moments, detached from the constant growth and decay of our natural environment. I develop my imaginary landscapes from a convolute of impressions, research and perceptions. With my abstracted color-intensive motifs I create a world all of its own - the New World a.m.. - a world that seems strange and at the same time somehow quite familiar. I play with the viewer's memory and visualize for him my thought experiments on the past, present and the futuristic view into a possible "time after". It is important to me that movement and change always remain perceptible. However, the human being is not to be found as an actor in my pictures. This role I gladly hand over to the viewer.
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