Janhendrik Dolsma
Dolsma is an experienced painter of clouds, beaches, dunes and, of course, the ocean.
Dolsma participated in exhibitions in the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Taiwan, Spain, Belgium and the USA.
"In Dolsma's world, it's always flat, occasionally an elevation, but never a mighty vertical, nowhere a church or a gnarled oak.
Dolsma's trump cards: the sky, reflection, and light.
In doing so, he plays on the space with sunlight - without ever depicting the sun directly. Hidden behind a cloud or high up - outside the picture - Dolsmas always manages to work out special light effects in detail, both in the clouds and on the water.
Despite not using vertical lines, Dolsma is masterful at creating extraordinary depth effects."
(Rob Mohlmann, from: 'Janhendrik Dolsma, Wadden Painter', ed., TheOart, 2005)
"In Dolsma's world, it's always flat, occasionally an elevation, but never a mighty vertical, nowhere a church or a gnarled oak.
Dolsma's trump cards: the sky, reflection, and light.
In doing so, he plays on the space with sunlight - without ever depicting the sun directly. Hidden behind a cloud or high up - outside the picture - Dolsmas always manages to work out special light effects in detail, both in the clouds and on the water.
Despite not using vertical lines, Dolsma is masterful at creating extraordinary depth effects."
(Rob Mohlmann, from: 'Janhendrik Dolsma, Wadden Painter', ed., TheOart, 2005)
Somehow the Wadden Islands are like a "mind shower" for me. Being there puts the world in perspective.
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