The color field painting offers a space to practice perception and thereby experience the presence of active stillness and mindfulness.
Perceiving I consider in my works as THE basis to approach an expanded "understanding" of the world. A new understanding, guided by unprejudiced contemplation. Because this guides me during the creation process for more than 30 years. In painting, in doing, in the attentive image observation during the color field development process always forms a resting place, an attention movement towards silence.
I am a painter and photographer. The picture works are to inspire and to stimulate to put the own perception in the center. The painting process continues until the image essence becomes visible. The light essence, which rests in itself and reveals a part of the profound truth. My approach requires the painterly process to be left free. Then it is necessary without prejudice to stand by the picture in becoming, to penetrate and to develop artistic consequences from these experiences. Works of art are created from color inspired by color phenomena. Color Field Painting or also called Color Field Painting.
I am a painter and photographer. The picture works are to inspire and to stimulate to put the own perception in the center. The painting process continues until the image essence becomes visible. The light essence, which rests in itself and reveals a part of the profound truth. My approach requires the painterly process to be left free. Then it is necessary without prejudice to stand by the picture in becoming, to penetrate and to develop artistic consequences from these experiences. Works of art are created from color inspired by color phenomena. Color Field Painting or also called Color Field Painting.
Perception connects
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