Astrid Stoeppel:
Picture "Formation #16" (2023)
Proportional view
Picture "Formation #16" (2023)
Astrid Stoeppel:
Picture "Formation #16" (2023)

Quick info

Acrylic | Canvas, stretched on stretcher frame | Format 120 x 90 cm (H/W) | picture hang up | signed certificate of authenticity

Picture "Formation #16" (2023)
Astrid Stoeppel: Picture "Formation #16" (2023)

Detailed description

Picture "Formation #16" (2023)

This artwork is part of the series "Colorful acrylics", the most famous and extensive series of Astrid Stoeppel. Works in this series are characterized by their multicolored nature. Acrylic colors are painted flat, sprayed, applied in lines and dots and convince with their clarity and purity or geometry. The work is ready framed, signed on the front and dated on the back. Works by the German artist Stoeppel are part of public and private collections worldwide, including the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, UAE, UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Austria, Italy, Germany and Switzerland.

About Astrid Stoeppel

Astrid Stoeppel is an internationally known German painter who has already exhibited her works in New York, London, Paris and Milan.
She chooses simple geometric shapes such as circles, dots, lines and color fields. In this way, Stoeppel creates paintings that viewers are encouraged to linger on, always reinterpreting and enjoying them. Minimalism, geometry and bold colors are characteristics of all your series. The works of the Weilheim-born artist can be found in numerous private and public collections in the United States, Australia, Japan, South Korea and throughout Europe.