Picture "Strawberries" (2021)
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Picture "Strawberries" (2021)
Picture "Strawberries" (2021)

Quick info

Acrylic | Canvas, stretched on stretcher frame | Format 50 x 50 cm (H/W) | picture hang up | signed certificate of authenticity

Picture "Strawberries" (2021)
BIGUI: Picture "Strawberries" (2021)

Detailed description

Picture "Strawberries" (2021)

In my acrylic painting, I capture the lush sensuality and vibrant colors of strawberries. I wanted to capture the vibrant energy and feeling of abundance that these fruits radiate. This painting will bring a life-affirming atmosphere and joy to your home. The painting has been stretched on a 3.5 cm deep gallery frame and can be hung without an additional frame, as the sides of the painting have also been painted.


Bigui was born Birgit Deuschle, née Heiß, in Oettingen.
Her career as an artist began in 2000, when Bigui moved from Germany to Brazil, where she stayed for a decade. Inspired by culture, nature and colors, Bigui searched for ways to express herself and found a friend, teacher and mentor in the Brazilian artist Nanci Bastos. Over the next few years, Bigui and Nanci worked closely together and Bigui developed her own personal style. The richness of nature, the bright sunlight, the overwhelming palette of natural colors shaped and continue to shape the subjects of Bigui's paintings, her technique and the intense colors of her artwork. Today, Bigui lives and works as an artist in Coburg, Germany. Her style has not changed. In her mind, each artwork begins in Brazil, developing layer by layer, revolving around repetitive nature themes, vibrant colors, the spirit of a "new world", until she is satisfied with the expression of her painting and ready to receive a polished finish. She is a member of the Association of Visual Artists GEDOK Franken and KUNST STUTTGART INTERNATIONAL eV Over the years, Bigui has received invitations to national and international exhibitions as well as art fairs and art projects and her artworks have been awarded the Palm Art Award 2017/2020 and the Recognition Prize 2018. "So I said to myself - I'm going to paint what I see - what the flower is to me, but I'm going to paint it big and they'll be surprised to take time to look at it." - Georgia O'Keeffe 1939