Sandra Gebhardt-Höpfner:
Picture "Floating 4" (2023)
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Picture "Floating 4" (2023)
Sandra Gebhardt-Höpfner:
Picture "Floating 4" (2023)

Quick info

Acrylic | Canvas, stretched on stretcher frame | Format 100 x 80 cm (H/W) | picture hang up | signed certificate of authenticity

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Delivery time: approx. 2 weeks

Picture "Floating 4" (2023)
Sandra Gebhardt-Höpfner: Picture "Floating 4" (2023)

Detailed description

Picture "Floating 4" (2023)

The scene is bathed in golden orange sunlight. The pink water lilies lie on the slightly moving water and the sun is reflected on them. In my dream, I fly over the scene, dip my hand into the warm water and maybe touch a water lily here and there. Free. The original painting is signed on the front and signed+dated on the back. The sides are also painted. It can be hung directly with the attached hook.

About Sandra Gebhardt-Höpfner

I love everything that involves water, water lilies, nature and light and is a foundation of peace and strength for the viewer.
My passion for capturing moments from nature on canvas forever for the viewer drives me. Being an artist is a great adventure for me. I feel very alive, strong and happy when I create a new painting. I dive into my own world and capture the light in nature with brushes, palette knives and fingers on canvas with acrylic paint. My paintings invite you into the magic of nature, moving between reality and what I see and feel. I find my inspiration on walks through nature, also in my second studio at the Wittensee in Schleswig-Holstein. I capture my motifs with the camera to then paint them in the studio there or in Hamburg. I was born in 1970 between the seas in Rendsburg and grew up. With various well-known artists from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein I have taken lessons over the years. I have participated in many solo and group exhibitions. Today I live and work with my family in Hamburg and at the Wittensee. My works are in private collections worldwide, such as the U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, the EU, Switzerland, England and Ireland.